Outcall Massage


imageWelcome to my Website! If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

I am trained in a variety of modalities, and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.


Why Choose a Licensed Massage Therapist?

  • Licensed is Safe... In order to obtain a license for massage therapy all potential therapists must meet state requirements, be fingerprinted and have a FBI criminal background check performed on them. This criminal background check is recurring every two years alongside of all license renewals. Your therapist should always have their license on them and ready to show if asked.


  • A licensed therapist follows proper technique… not knowing how to properly give a massage can do damage to your body in many ways. For example not knowing how to properly move in the direction of blood flow can collapse veins and cause blood to pool. And not knowing counter indications such as areas where nerves are grouped and close to the skin can cause pain and in extreme cases permanent damage. Licensed massage therapists understand the human body and take mandatory courses in subjects such as anatomy and kinesiology. We are also required by the state to be certified in first aid CPR and AED.


  • If an issue does occur with your therapist such as unethical behavior or damage due to gross incompetence your therapist will be held responsible just like any other medical professional. Also most licensed therapists are insured through their massage trade organization such as AMTA or ABMP*. Check with your therapist to verify if they are insured this requirement may vary from state to state


  • By default a licensed therapist will use a something called draping technique for table massages. This is a method where a sheet is placed over the client and only the body part being worked on is exposed. This technique gives maximum privacy for the client and greatly eases any tension that may be associated with disrobing for both the client and the therapist.


  • Generally speaking a licensed therapist takes pride in the work they do. This is not only reflected in technique but in the quality of the products they use. You should expect your therapist to be utilizing quality equipment such as massage tables and chairs from industry leaders that maximize comfort and safety and you should expect your equipment and sheets to be clean. Any oils and creams that are utilized by your therapist should be high quality, safe and maximize health benefits. Most of these examples are not mandatory but should be expected by any client who uses a licensed massage therapist.


  • This is a short list to help those who may be new to massage to gain a greater understanding of the benefits of using a licensed massage therapist. This list is by no means extensive. If you have any other questions please ask me or do your own research. I will help you in any way I can.